Critter Colors


Critter Colors


S/ 31.00

Caja de Oferta

Los productos con esta etiqueta podrían tener imperfecciones y abolladuras menores, debido a que el material ha sido trasladado en varias ocasiones a ferias de libros para su exihibición.

Editorial: Little Simon
ISBN: 9781481442183
Autor: G., Ashley
¡Llévate el 2do libro a 50% dscto!

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The weirdness never stops!

Something weird is going on! Mr. Granite has been assigned a student teacher, and A.J. and the gang think she might be a vampire. Miss Mary lives in a cave and sleeps hanging upside down from the ceiling. Her boyfriend, Zack, looks like a zombie and plays in a heavy metal band. And worse than all that, they’re British! Eeeeek!