The Good, the Bad, and the Deadly: The Chuck Norris Fact Thrillogy


The Good, the Bad, and the Deadly: The Chuck Norris Fact Thrillogy


Original price was: S/ 130.80.Current price is: S/ 109.00.

ISBN: 9781592406098
Autor: Ian Spector
Idioma: English

Availability:1 in stock

SKU: 9781592406098-5421 Categories: , , , ,

Other box sets should be very, very afraid.

The best things in life come in threes, but the roughest, toughest, and buffest things come in thrillogies. After The Truth About Chuck Norris , Chuck Norris vs. Mr. T , and Chuck Norris Cannot Be Stopped roundhouse-kicked readers, The Good, the Bad, and the Deadly Chuck Norris Fact Thrillogy brings all three books together to form the most badass box set ever. Complete with 1,200 facts and sixty illustrations about the meanest man to stalk the face of the earth, this thrillogy is your one-stop shop for Chuck Norris and all his macho manliness.