Brain Games – Ultimate Brain Booster Puzzles


Brain Games – Ultimate Brain Booster Puzzles


Original price was: S/ 67.20.Current price is: S/ 56.00.

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Editorial: Publications International, Ltd.
ISBN: 9781605533001
Autor: Ltd., Publications International|Ltd., Editors of Publications International
Idioma: English

Availability:1 in stock

The human brain thrives on learning and experience new things. Give your mind what it’s looking for with Brain Games: Ultimate Brain Booster Puzzles. By exposing yourself to the variety of puzzles in this book, you can keep your mind young and fit by exposing it to a range of activities that exercise different cognitive skills, including:
Creative thinking
General knowledge
Problem solving
Spatial visualization
Visual logic

You’ll enjoy a movie-themed cryptogram, word jigsaw puzzles, and a word search of Shakespeare s popular female characters, to name a few. The book s more than 300 puzzles are organized in levels that range from easy to difficult, so you can boost the intensity of your mental workout at your own pace. Brain Games: Ultimate Brain Booster Puzzles, part of the popular Brain Game book series, is small and sturdy enough to be taken anywhere. The colorful hologram on the cover offers another visual challenge.