Gotham By Midnight(2015) #6A


Gotham By Midnight(2015) #6A


Original price was: S/ 42.00.Current price is: S/ 35.00.

Publisher: Gotham By Midnight
Format: Color
Category: Horror; Super-Heroes
Language: English

Availability:1 in stock

Original price was: S/ 42.00.Current price is: S/ 35.00.

Availability:1 in stock

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The Midnight Shift is in danger from both its members and the rest of the GCPD! In a deadly new Gotham City, does the paranormal really still pose a threat? As the task force struggles to rebuild after their tragic loss, their only weapon against the supernatural and Internal Affairs both might be in the form of attorney Kate Spencer. Ray Fawkes and new series artist Juan Ferreyra are ready to take Jim Corrigan and his motley crew on the adventure of their lives – or afterlives!