Catwoman, Vol. 3(2006) #54


Catwoman, Vol. 3(2006) #54


Original price was: S/ 42.00.Current price is: S/ 35.00.

Publisher: Catwoman, Vol. 3
Format: Color
Category: Action; Adventure; Super-Heroes
Language: English

Availability:1 in stock

Selina gets up to feed Helena, and sees a news report debating Black Mask’s murder. Karon calls her, worried about Holly. Selina reminds her there will be nights like this, and that Holly can handle herself. But right then, Holly is waking up to see Angle Man looming over her. He has unmasked and restrained her, and he’s going to push her off a tall building. She uses the costume’s claws to free herself and turns the tables on Angle Man, beating him brutally – someone records this! Returning home, she calls Wildcat (who is busying fighting lowlives) outside a bar. Inside the bar, Slam Bradley is enjoying a drink when Lenahan comes to him and suggests that Catwoman might have murdered Black Mask. Selina puts Helena back in her crib and then turns in to see host Film Freak with some brutal footage of Holly beating Angle Man! What has she done to her friend? A drunk Slam reels out of the bar and exchanges a few words with Wildcat. And Angle Man receives a call from Film Freak, asking whether he would like to stage ‘take two’ of the battle with Catwoman.