My Weird School Daze #1: Mrs. Dole Is Out of Control!


My Weird School Daze #1: Mrs. Dole Is Out of Control!


S/ 26.50

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Editorial: HarperTrophy
ISBN: 9780061346071
Autor: Gutman, Dan|Paillot, Jim
Idioma: English
¡Llévate el 2do libro a 50% dscto!

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The Sparkle Spa crew kick it into high gear to help Brooke out of a hairy situation in the ninth sparkly story in this shimmering series about two sisters who open their own mini-nail salon.

Talk about a bad hair day! When Brooke gets a disastrous haircut—compliments of thorn-in-everyone’s-side Suzy Davis—she vows never to show her face in public again! Will the Sparkle Spa crew convince her otherwise?