Genie in a Bottle


Genie in a Bottle


S/ 39.90

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Los productos con esta etiqueta podrían tener imperfecciones y abolladuras menores, debido a que el material ha sido trasladado en varias ocasiones a ferias de libros para su exihibición.

Editorial: Scholastic Canada
ISBN: 9780545851022
Formato: Hardcover
Idioma: English
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SKU: 9780545851022-9334 Category: Tags: , ,

Abby and her little brother, Jonah, have a magic mirror in their basement that takes them to different fairy tales — which they always wind up messing up. But sometimes, it’s for the better: Snow White doesn’t eat the apple, Cinderella gets a job she loves, etc. In this enchanting ninth installment, the siblings fall into the story of Aladdin. They’re excited to be in this world of magic carpets and genies … but making three wishes isn’t so easy, and soon hilarities and hijinks ensue! These books are feminist fairy tales for a new generation.