Lots of Love


Lots of Love


S/ 43.00

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Los productos con esta etiqueta podrían tener imperfecciones y abolladuras menores, debido a que el material ha sido trasladado en varias ocasiones a ferias de libros para su exihibición.

Editorial: Make Believe Ideas
ISBN: 9781782359333
Formato: Paperback
Idioma: English
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S/ 43.00

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SKU: 9781782359333-7415 Category: Tags: ,

Lots of Love is the dream book for lovers of cute stickers. With over 1000 stylish stickers in a variety of different themes, including letters, numbers, fashion, animals, birds, garden and more, there will be stickers for every occasion! The book contains 24 postcards and greetings cards to cut out and finish using the exciting stickers. Children will love finishing the cute designs and sending these unique cards to their friends!