Underpants Thunderpants


Underpants Thunderpants


S/ 57.00

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Editorial: PARRAGON
ISBN: 9781445430201
Autor: Bently, Peter|Melmon, Deborah
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S/ 57.00

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SKU: 9781445430201-833 Categories: ,

Asteroids! Planets! Astronauts!
In this charming debut picture book, a grumpy asteroid named Astro is thrown out of orbit and takes an unexpected journey through space!

Astro is a cranky asteroid who just wants everyone to respect his personal boundaries. But when a satellite knocks Astro out of orbit, he is forced to embark on an epic adventure through space…whether he wants to or not!

Filled with playful illustrations and tons of cool facts about space, this picture book is a must-have for all the future astronauts who are ready to journey through the galaxy.