Top 10


Top 10


S/ 125.80

Editorial: Vertigo
ISBN: 9781401254933
Autor: Moore, Alan; Ha, Gene
Idioma: English
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The massive, multilayered city of Neopolis, built shortly after World War II, was designed as a home for the expanding population of science-heroes, heroines and villains that had ballooned into existance in the previous decade. Bringing these powered beings together solved some problems but created others – turning Neopolis into a pressure cooker that normal policing methods could never contain. Join rookie cop Robyn Singer, alter ego ‘Toybox,’ as she hits the streets for the first time along with a colorful crew of fellow officers, each having the required training to deal with science-villains and super-crimes. You’ll never look at powers, or police work, the same way again! Written by Alan Moore (WATCHMEN, V FOR VENDETTA) and drawn by the team of Gene Ha and Zander Cannon, TOP 10 combines superheroics and cop drama like no series before or after it. Collects issues #1-12.