Belly Button Book!


Belly Button Book!


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Los productos con esta etiqueta podrían tener imperfecciones y abolladuras menores, debido a que el material ha sido trasladado en varias ocasiones a ferias de libros para su exihibición.

Editorial: Workman Publishing Company
ISBN: 9780761166184
Autor: Boynton, Sandra
Idioma: English
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Introducing the magical and imaginative world of the Boohbahs–the stars of a new PBS Kids TV show from Ragdoll

Interactive novelty board book complete with a rainbow colored spinner that captures the Boohbahs dancing.

The Boohbahs are five sparkling atoms of energy that are powered by the laughter of children and travel the world on a ribbon of rainbow light, in their glowing white Boohball. This imaginative new TV show invites children to engage in ‘What if . . .’ thinking and predict outcomes based on their own interaction with the content.