Avengers Storybook Collection, The


Avengers Storybook Collection, The


S/ 96.65

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Los productos con esta etiqueta podrían tener imperfecciones y abolladuras menores, debido a que el material ha sido trasladado en varias ocasiones a ferias de libros para su exihibición.

Editorial: Marvel Comics
ISBN: 9781484796191
Autor: Group, Marvel Book|Marvel,
Idioma: English
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S/ 96.65

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Barn cats PURRR up in the hayloft.
Between the rafters, pigeons COO.

Do you want to hear their secret?
PSST! Guess what? It’s I LOVE YOU!

This sweet addition to our successful Snuggle Time Stories series celebrates the love between parents and children of every species. In lilting rhyme, the book introduces toddlers to an array of super-adorable animal parents and babies—including cows, horses, sheep, cats, owls, ducks, roosters, and, of course humans. What do they all say to each other? I LOVE YOU! This is the perfect read-aloud and goodnight story.