El Osito Polar Y El Reno
Hans|Fernández, Queta de Beer
Ediciones Norte-sur (2007)
En la Colección
Animals - Bears, Children's Books/All Ages, Juvenile Fiction, Juvenile Fiction / Animals / Bears, Juvenile Fiction / People & Places / Polar Regions, Juvenile Fiction/Nature & the Natural World - General, Nature & the Natural World - Ecology, People & Places - Polar Regions, Spanish: Kindergarten
Hardcover 9780735821606
In this new adventure featuring Lars, the Little Polar Bear, the short North Pole summer is ending. Lars watches sadly as the geese head south again. Soon after, the reindeer, too, start their winter migration. But this year, man has interfered with their journey. A high fence that goes on for miles has been erected right in their path, and piles of giant pipes litter the landscape. The herd is trapped. If they can't get through, they will perish. Once again, it's Lars to the rescue. Using his brains and the muskoxen's brawn, they are able to break through the barricade and the reindeer can continue on to their winter grazing grounds. Fans of the Little Polar Bear books will delight in this exciting new story with its subtle reminder of man's impact on nature.
Detalles del Producto
Precio Oferta S/ 51.99
Nº. de Páginas 24
Alto x Ancho 290 x 9  mm
Detalles Personales
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Fecha Compra 21/02/2023